Board of Directors
trusted leaders who are committed to our mission, goals, and the future of IIMD.
executive council, board of directors
Dr. Phyllis A. Noda, Ed.D., President
Organizational and Professional Development, Re-Engineering, Curriculum and Instruction
Retired Executive Director/Professor of Bilingual Education Teacher Training and Special Programs, and Instructor College of Technology Cybersecurity Research and Policy Studies
Mr. Reginald A. Pacis, J.D., Vice President
U.S. Immigration Law, Butzel Long Law Firm Shareholder
Dr. Linda Leddick, Ph.D., Secretary and Historian
Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation
Retired Director of the Department of Research, Assessment and Evaluation Detroit Public Schools
Member of Detroit Women’s Forum, and Wayne State University College of Education Advisory Council
Hadi Daia, D.D.S.
Orthodontist and Dental Surgeon
Board Member, Syrian American Rescue Network (SARN)
Wei-Chein (Sharon) Dow
Michigan Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission
Nidhal Hakim
United Community Services (Chaldean-American Ladies of Charity-CALC)
Board of Directors for Church of The Holy Martyrs
Mr. Roland Hwang
Board President, Association of Chinese Americans (Hannaan House)
Charles Moore, CPA
Treasurer, Lansing Black Chamber of Commerce
Reverend Sahara Russell
Minister Sacred Heart Ministries
Advisory council
Betty Appleby
Nicholas Becharas
Eva Dewaelshe
Gregory Dunmore
Gust Feles
Stanislaw Golec
Roland Hwang, Esq.
Jeff Jenks
Sen. Carl M. Levin, Esq. (retired)
Ewa Matuszewski-Joucys
Betty Misuraca
Thomas Napolitano, AT&T (retired)
Helen Nilson-Stojic
Dominic Pangborn
Steven B. Roby, Esq., Immigration Attorney
Bruce Thelen, Esq.
Penny Voudoukis
Board of Directors Committees
The Board of Directors meets monthly, with an annual meeting in June. Board Committees meet as scheduled.
Institute Services Committee
Community Outreach Committee
Electronic Services and Marketing Committee
Bylaws Committee
Fund Development Committee
Executive Committee
Special Projects Committees as convened by President
Legal Affairs and Buildings and Grounds Committees
Personnel Committee
Finance Committee