Focusing on the needs of the community through immersive active participation and impactful action.
Community Development
Warrendale Community Integration Project
IIMD and its partner the Islamic Center of Detroit initiated an inclusive community development project, The Warrendale Community Integration Project [WCIP]. The project is part of The Kresge Foundation’s KIP: D initiative. You can access the full report through the link below.
In September 2018, the International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit (IIMD) and the Islamic Center of Detroit (ICD) initiated in a community driven development project in Warrendale, the Warrendale Community Integration Project (WCIP). The project brought diverse community members together to devise a plan, which would improve the quality of life for all of Warrendale's residents.
The attached report highlights the work of IIMD, ICD and Warrendale residents. Established partnerships were critical in carrying out the project. These partnerships consisted of leaders from block clubs (Greenview Block Club and Evergreen Block Club) and community organizations (Warrendale Community Organization and Warren Avenue Community Organization), business leaders, city administrators, nonprofit leaders, youth and refugee and immigrant representatives. IIMD is truly grateful for their partnership and commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable community. Without this, the project would not have been successful.
Please contact Anne Roth, Director of Grants Administration for more information: or (313) 871-8600, ext. 233.
Child Tax Credit
The Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan provides the largest Child Tax Credit ever and historic relief to the most working families ever – and as of July 15th, 2021, most families are automatically receiving monthly payments of $250 or $300 per child without having to take any action. The Child Tax Credit will help all families succeed.
Reducing Child Poverty through the Child Tax Credit
Our program helps families navigate, determine eligibility, and sign-up for the Child Tax Credit. More information regarding our initiative coming soon.
LISC Homeownership
LISC coordinates and invests resources that contribute to sustainable neighborhood revitalization and community growth. We are committed to building positive environments to ensure that all residents of any income level have the opportunities and tools to build assets, become part of the economy and participate in the benefits of their communities.
LISC Homeownership Project
Our work with LISC to bring homeownership to underserved communities. More information regarding our initiative coming soon.
Warrendale Housing Initiative
Through the Warrendale Housing Initiative, we work with neighborhood and city leaders to provide funding and delivery of affordable housing for populations in need.
Housing Initiative
More information about our work with the Warrendale Housing Initiative coming soon!
Redistricting Commission
Through working with the Redistricting Commission, we were able to effectively map out communities with equality and resources in mind.
Redistricting Commission
More information about our work with the Redistricting Commission coming soon!