Donor Acknowledgments
A gracious thank you to all of the donors for your charitable contributions.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS]
United Way for Southeastern Michigan [UWSEM]
Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation [DESC]
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
City of Detroit [Warrendale Immigrant and Refugee Initiative]
Detroit Economic Growth Corporation [DEGC]
The State of Michigan The Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity [LEO]
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant/Neighborhood Opportunity Fund CDBG/NOF
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan [CFSEM]
Michigan Nonprofit Association [MNA’s Redistricting Initiative]
Kauffman FastTrac
The Activate Fund Co-Act Detroit
Wayne County
The Kresge Foundation [KIP: D Round 4]