Food Assistance Employment & Training Plus Program (FAE&T Plus)

Published: August 25, 2021 | Updated: April 10, 2023

Program Description

The Food Assistance Employment & Training Plus Program aims to help low-income individuals and families move out of poverty by providing them with basic education, technical skills training, credentialing, and access to good jobs.

The FAE&T Plus program serves a broad range of participants, including returning citizens, immigrants, refugees, homeless, and those without a high school diploma or GED.

Program Eligibility includes the following:

  • Be a resident of the City of Detroit

  • Have a strong interest in obtaining employment

  • Have a willingness to learn new skills and engage in training opportunities

  • A current food stamp recipient (not receiving cash assistance)

  • Between the ages of 18 to 49

Program Overview

FAE&T Plus Services

  1. Job Search & Placement: Participants will meet one-on-one with a professional employment counselor.

  2. Job Training: Participants will have an opportunity to attend monthly workshops.

  3. Education: Participants can attend English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes, Computer Training, and GED Classes.

  4. Support Services: IIMD provides necessary services, such as transportation (i.e. bus tickets) and other essential items necessary for employment.

Program Details

  • For more information, contact Joe Lauchlan or Diane Lewicki-Felce at (313) 871-8600

  • Check out our Facebook for more information on the latest course offerings


English as a Second Language (ESL) Conversation Meet-up


Adult Education & Workforce Development